Tag: boof

Why rescue dogs are amazing, and why you’re a jerk if you give your dog away on Facebook

Why rescue dogs are amazing, and why you’re a jerk if you give your dog away on Facebook

I’m a member of several local facebook groups…mostly buy/sell sites, and a few parenting ones.  Sadly, it seems lately there have been multiple occasions of people posting their dogs to give away.  It makes me so sad and furious every time.  There are very few 

Boof is being a weirdo

Boof has been acting seriously weird lately.  Awhile back she got over not wanting me around when I started giving her her evening meal and walking her slightly more (but still only occasionally because her slow walking KILLS me).  I guess giving her the evening meals 

Boof’s Rough Day

If you’re a Facebook friend, you’ve probably saw me post about this, but I just couldn’t resist.  No, she didn’t get her head stuck in a backpack, or eat a cake, but last Sunday was rough. It finally stopped raining that weekend, so Lo was 

Birthday Successes and Failures

Birthday Successes and Failures

Saturday was my husband’s birthday!  He turned 34.  He wanted a low-key birthday with sushi for dinner. I was excited to make my husband a cake using the best gluten-free yellow cake mix, Better Batter, and homemade chocolate buttercream frosting.  This cake mix really is 

Boof’s Big Adventure (and lack of common sense)

I always thought our dog was really smart because she listens to NPR every day while we are at work.  We usually listen in the car on the way to and from work, so it gives us something to talk to her about when we 

Boof passed her dog training!

Boof took a five week dog training class through My K9 Tutor at Advanced Boarding and Grooming in Delaware and just completed her course.  She did SO well!  She took the class with her friends, Nash, Mason, and Roxie and two other dogs.  They all 

Boof versus Hedgehog

Boof won. I came downstairs and saw the destruction and she was looking at me like she was going to be in such trouble (like when she gets into our bags and such).  Our friends gave her this hedgehog toy when we visited over the 

A day in the life of Boof

I thought I’d take you through a day in the life of Boof, because I’m sure you care. Lo wakes her up and sometimes has to coax her out of her bed with a tiny piece of carrot.  He takes her for a walk, but 

Car buying, car accident, and stuff in between

Lots of little things have been going on that I’ve forgotten to post about lately. We bought a car!  Finally!  And the salesman wasn’t a douche!  After kind of making plans to go to NE Ohio to look at a car near my parents, but 

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Val, Lo, and Boof!  I’ll be posting very lightly over the holidays, so Happy New Year too!