Boof’s Rough Day

If you’re a Facebook friend, you’ve probably saw me post about this, but I just couldn’t resist.  No, she didn’t get her head stuck in a backpack, or eat a cake, but last Sunday was rough.

It finally stopped raining that weekend, so Lo was able to stain the deck.  This meant Boof couldn’t go out back all day.  She got a walk in the morning and one in early afternoon before we went to our friends’ house with her, but she clearly thought she was being punished.

We went over to Chuck and Kelley’s because it was finally warm enough to use the pool and not raining, and we discovered that Boof can swim apparently!  She at least appeared to be trying to swim anyway.  It was the first time we had her around their (or any pool), so we didn’t know what to expect.  She was walking/running around the pool with the other dogs and smelling everything.  It seemed to be going okay so I went back inside to go to the bathroom because the baby sits on my bladder and makes me think I have to pee every 10 minutes.  Boof got stuck under a lounge chair and backed out right into the deep end of the pool!  Kelley jumped in right away and grabbed her, but she was already making her way to the surface.  She “swam” her over to the other end of the pool and Boof was trying to swim along.  Who knows whether her little legs could have held her body above water, but at least she was trying.  She didn’t appear to be afraid of the water the rest of the day either, though she didn’t attempt to go back in.  We may try to lure her in with a carrot the next time.  If she doesn’t come in for a carrot, she’s not going to willingly get in the pool and we won’t try to force her.

This pic is after she “went in”.  She’s not scared!


Later, Lo and Chuck were playing backgammon beside the pool while Kelley and I were floating around, and Lo lost one of his dice.  They looked all over for at least 15 minutes because it didn’t make sense for it to just disappear.  Boof was getting blamed for eating it, but I kept saying Nash looks guilty and they shouldn’t just blame the fat dog (though Nash kind of always looks guilty) and also Nash has a habit of hoarding toys and things.  Even Mason got blamed though we all knew he was inside the whole time (just because he is often guilty).  Finally I suggested they drop the other dice (die?) to see if either of the dogs did anything.  Boof just sniffed it (she’s not interested in things that aren’t food), but when they dropped it near Nash, he picked it up and took it into the garden!  Chuck went to get it from him and Nash had set it down within an inch of the missing die!  He’s such a hoarder!  We laughed for at least 5 minutes about it.

Even later yet, we needed to weigh Boof to see if she’s lost any more weight on her prescription diet food.  Chuck weighed himself and then weighed himself while holding her and she was 35 lbs – which was 2 more than last time!  We couldn’t believe she had gained weight!  She hardly gets snacks other than carrots (though she did go to Graeter’s Dog Night Out and have a Frosty Paw and a half that week) and we literally weigh her food every day.  We kept telling her that she was still pretty and it wasn’t her fault, but were all shocked.  When we got home I remembered that she actually was 35 lbs last time and the only time we got a weight of 33 lbs was at my mom’s house on a crazy-old, non-digital scale, so we assume it wasn’t correct.  So she didn’t actually gain any weight in the last two weeks like we thought.

It was a pretty rough day for her…nothing was really going right and none of it was her fault.  Poor thing!

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