Weekly Workout: June 28 – July 4

It felt like a pretty good workout week, even though I only did 4 workouts.  I was able to push pretty hard in all of the workouts and felt really good, so that counts for something!

Friday, June 28

  • Noon – Capital Club Yoga:  I finally talked myself into going to a Friday class (since they aren’t my favorite) and I was the only student.  While I expected that it was going to suck, it actually ended up being an amazing, completely customized hard prenatal class – exactly what I wanted.

Saturday, June 29

  • Nothing

Sunday, June 30

  • Nothing

Monday, July 1

  • Noon – 35 Min. Elliptical and 10 minutes Upper Body: This was a pretty good workout.  I don’t do upper body movements much because my elbow can only handle so much and yoga does a fair amount for that.

Tuesday, July 2

  • Noon – Noon Yoga at Capitol Club:  I knew we were having a sub this week, but whoa. The lady started off by telling us how acclaimed she was in the world of fitness.  Like dancing for the Chiefs in the Superbowl (in 1969!) and appearing in the Columbus Dispatch – without failing to mention that she was on the cover of the Dispatch for that article.  It’s like she was name-dropping, but it was all about herself.  I don’t know if she was trying to impress us or what, but we were just there to do yoga.  She started off the class like none of us had ever taken yoga before (when we were all fairly advanced).  Luckily it got a lot better, but not less annoying.  I had told her I was pregnant (as I do with any instructor so they know why I’m modifying), so she kept calling me “mama” in the class – like “everyone but mama should do it this way” or “mama, don’t go so deep in the pose”.  It was so annoying.  I don’t think the other people I’ve been taking class with even realized I was pregnant, so they were all confused until she finally asked my name and they knew who she was talking to.  She still called me mama after asking my name.  It was awful.  Some of the women after class were like – “oh congrats – I didn’t know and had no idea who she was talking about”Apparently they just thought I started sucking at yoga these past few weeks, lol.  That instructor is going to be teaching Thursday night classes….I won’t be there.

Wednesday, July 3

  • Noon – 100 Workout:  I did my usual 100 leg workout: 100 squats, 90 second wall sit (split in two), 80 calf raises, 70 second plank, 60 lunges, 50 single-leg leg deadlifts (25 each leg), 40 plie squats with kettlebell, 30 side squat walk with heavy band around thighs, each direction (don’t know what to call those), 20 pushups, and 10 burpees.  I really wasn’t going to do burpees anymore, but I felt pretty great and they were actually easy.  I almost kept going but I decided I shouldn’t.  I still had lots of time, so I did 20 minutes on the elliptical. Maybe that’s what caused the baby to move higher by that afternoon and for my belly to push out further.

Thursday, July 4

  • Noon – Nothing:  Off for the 4th!

I was actually a little worn out a few times this week after work.  Not like Boof though – she was beat after being with my nephew over the weekend and then seeing her dog cousins on Sunday.  She’s been a sleepy dog all week!  (although I admit I needed naps a few days after work recently too)


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