Friday Photo Dump: March 3 – March 9, 2014

Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom hosts a Friday Photo Dump linkup and its a fun way to post a few (or bunch) pictures from the week.  I switched my date range to Monday-Sunday because it wasn’t working for me to try to get the pictures up from the night before on Friday.

Jenson was in a much better mood this week.  He does great with entertaining himself with his toys now that he can’t grab what he wants and play with it.  I want to be right there playing with him, but I let him play by himself sometimes so he learns to entertain himself.  We had a few days of nice weather and visited with Lo’s family over the weekend.

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1. Serious face!
2. Happy face!
3. Entertaining himself after waking from a nap.  We are trying to get better at not snatching him us as soon as he wakes and starts to fuss.  And he’s usually fine and will play for a few minutes.
4. Playing in his high chair while we ate dinner.

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5. This kid loves tv.  I had him laying on his playmat so that the tv was behind him and he was arching to try to see it.
6. Posing for me before he outgrows this outfit he hasn’t worn.
7. I love the fox tail on the butt.
8. I made gluten free banana donuts with maple glaze.  They were a good flavor, but I can make the texture better next time – they just seems like round pieces of banana bread.  I can make the glaze better too.

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9. We went to stay at Lo’s parent’s house on Saturday night. He sat so quietly on Meem’s lap for almost 30 minutes when we got there.  I think he was trying to get used to a bunch of people being around – he often gets quiet when around others.
10. Hanging out with his Nana.
11. Daddy eating his feet.
12. With Nana and Papaw, though he was more interested in tv than taking pictures.

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13. They got out the jumper for Jenson to try, but he didn’t like it yet.  Sadie wanted to try it and is still within the weight limit, so she had a blast! All of the other pics that I took of her she was just a blur because she was jumping so much.
14. Shorty is still a little scared of Boof still, but she’s getting used to her finally.
15. Laughing with Nana getting ready to go to breakfast
16. I was all snuggled up with babies in the morning.  It was wonderful!

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17. Sadie loving on Jenson.  This lasted about 3 seconds longer before Jenson was done with it.
18. Watching old movies with Papaw
19. Just playing
20. More outfit poses.  He wears sleepers through the week because they are easier, but he’s growing out of his clothes fast!  I need time to slow down!

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21. Five months old on March 6!  I can’t believe he’s getting close to his half birthday!
22. Boof smiling for her obligatory photo (for a piece of carrot)
23. Boof was happy to comply with a second picture (for another treat)
23. Jenson was 22 weeks old on March 9!


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