Friday Photo Favorites: April 1-6, 2014

Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom hosts a Friday Photo Favorites linkup and its a fun way to post a few (or bunch) pictures from the week.  I switched my date range to Monday-Sunday because it wasn’t working for me to try to get the pictures up from the night before on Friday.  But I still failed to get this posted by Friday.  Whatever.

I’m finally not taking a million pictures of Jenson each week, so it’s easier to choose which ones to feature.  My dad said Jenson is going to get cataracts because of the camera flash.  He’s totally wrong though…I don’t usually use the flash.  He also said our next kid is going to get mad because I’ll never take as many pictures of the 2nd baby as I do of Jenson.  I say that they’ll find a reason to be mad at us anyway.

1. Happy to be going for a walk
2. Making his “old man” face (chewing on his gums)random pic


3. Trying out the hearing protection earmuffs we got him for when he goes to Crew games or other loud places.
4. Glowing eyes on the monitor – yikes!  Go to sleep!

5. Gramma and Pappap arrived for a visit and brought an Easter basket!
6. Checking out the basket (which was mine growing up)easter basket

7. Taking a little snooze (before they arrived actually)
8. He was very interested in the bow – as much as the goodies inside

9. Sitting steadier!
10. Family nap time (except for me, but I got to sleep in)saturday collage

11. He loves chewing on cloth
12. Devilish face

13. Hanging with mom
14. His new mischievous face – sitting alone…crawling and getting into everything is probably coming soon!sitting and mom collage

15. – 18. This series with Boof and Dad is ridiculous (and very common).  Boof wants ANYTHING that my dad has and thinks she can get it from him.  She harasses him constantly and he loves every minute of it.  Apparently she really wanted the milk in his cup.  She’s not a lap dog, but she jumps up when she wants something.  I love her bug-eyes in the 3rd pic and her tongue out in the last one.  Crazy and boof collage

19. – 22. Playing with Gramma – she was trying to teach him to crawl.  red sleeper collage

23. – 26. He’s 6 months old! (26 weeks). Boof showed up for her photo op as usual.26 weeks

27. Jenson hanging with Pappap
28. Checking each other out.pappap gramma collage

29. Wearing his new Babiators to go for a stroll.  We picked these glasses because the company will replace them within a year if they are lost or broken
30.  Kids with Gramma.

31. Peeking from behind his stuffed doggie.
32. Reading with daddydad collage

33. Very serious conversation with daddy.
34. Our smiley, gorgeous 6 month old baby boy.




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