Friday Photo Favorites: June 2 – 8, 2014

Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom hosts a Friday Photo Favorites linkup and its a fun way to post a few (or bunch) pictures from the week.  I got behind again, because that’s what I do, but it’s better to live life than to blog about it.  Really, I just need to be less anal about editing every picture.

Jenson changes so much each week now.  He always has a new sound or movement that he’s mastered.  Or something new that he really likes. He has become quite the distracted nurser now. Unless he’s sleepy, he stops every minute or so and wants to sit up or play with his toes, or whatever else he can grab.  And he gets mad if he can’t start nursing the moment he decides he’s ready to go back to it.  He’ll also grab at my shirt when he’s ready to nurse sometimes.  In addition to loving his feet, he also loves my feet now.  If he can see them, he’s trying to grab at the,  He laughs when I wiggle my toes if he touches them.  I don’t want him to be obsessed with my feet and thought it may be the red nail polish, so I took it off tonight.  It’s been on for 2+ months, so it was well past time anyway.  He’s so much fun.  And he’s stinking adorable to boot.

1. – 4.  He would not roll front to back at this point still (he has since then).  He’d get stuck, like in the second picture, and give up.  As you can tell, his eyes are still blueish gray, but I’m sure they are changing.  There are some blue and gray-blue eyes in my family, but I’m sure our dominate hazel will take over.  Isn’t there some sort of probability chart for eye color based on genetics?  I vaguely remember something like that.floor time

5. This was a nursing break to chew on his toes.  He wasn’t getting them to his mouth consistently until then.
6. and 7. Pictures with Daddy for Lo’s birthday (it was a day or two later though)
8. I was changing Jenson and Lo had an F1 race on the tv, and Jenson spotted it and was enthralled.  He was fussy (hence the binky) until he saw that, and then he was fine.  Guess he may be another race fan (fitting, since his name was inspired by an F1 driver).


9. Food pics!  Trying a plum for the first time with some eggs (he mostly liked it).
10. Orange slice while we were at breakfast.  He LOVED it!  I need to probably buy an orange or two for him. He had a few bumps on his chin after eating it, but I think it was just a contact rash and not an allergy.  They went away pretty quickly.  He also had a few little pieces of Loren’s toast.  After doing much research that led me to no definitive answer, I went with the most current study out of Canada, which suggests exposure to wheat earlier on may be better than waiting until after age 1, as far as allergies/intolerance go.  I don’t have the exact study, but this is their recommended guidelines.
11. and 12. We went to our favorite place- Yabo’s Tacos, and this is the first time he sat “at” the table. He loved some guacamole with this trainer spoon (we’d just help him dip) (though I’d actually recommend this training spoon instead because it’s more like a spoon, but still has the ridges that help “grab” food), and then I put some burrito filling in his silicone feeder. He ate some of the filling stuff, but was getting fussy, which is what he does when he’s done.


13. and 14. Eating chicken and pinto beans
15.  Boof is also eating chicken and pinto beans 🙂
16. Dinner funchicken and beans

17. Jenson and Boof are mostly friends now.  He was trying to “play” with her, though he probably just wanted to chew on the hedgehog too (these things smell horrid, so thankfully Boof doesn’t share).
18. Check out the look of fear in her eyes when he grabbed her leg. “How could you let this happen!”
19. Boof is contemplating whether he took it too far with the leg grab.  The friendship is over when he gets handsy.
20. Though Jenson is pretty pleased with their  interaction.

playing with boof

21. It was a nice cool evening, so we hung out in the grass for a bit.  Jenson was watching Boof eat grass and smiling. (she doesn’t eat it bc she’s sick, she eats it because she’s a cow.
22. Boof –  “I’ll pose for this picture, but if that kid touches me (without food on his hands)…”
23.  CHEEKS!
24. Obligatory sleeping baby photo…

playing in grass

25. At Yabo’s (same night as the food picture above)
26. Boof is my nursing companion. She often sits beside me while I’m nursing Jenson, but this time she laid with her head on my leg. To be honest, she kind of follows me around now no matter what I’m doing and I have no idea why.  I always sing the “My Buddy” song her her (remember that doll/commercial?), but as: “My boofy, my boofy, wherever I go, she’s going to go…”
27. Vampire dog!  Hanging out on our bed one morning…
28. Froglegs are delicious!  (my mom crocheted the frog for him for Easter)

home and yabos

29. Jenson’s getting handsy with Boof again.
30. And there’s her stress yawn…
31.  And a BIG tongue kiss for Loren
32. She’s very pleased with herself.  She looks a little drunk.

family time

33. – 38.  Jenson’s first 5k!  There was a small charity race called the Jakestrong 5k in Powell that Kelley was doing and she asked me to do it too. Chuck ended up being off work, so we all did it.  It was a really nice morning, and a lot of fun just talking and walking with them.  We even stopped at a garage sale, lol.

jakestrong 5k

39. Oops – the orange slice picture made it in this collage too. 🙂
40. He loves sitting in his exersaucer and watching Boof on the couch. He just sits there and smiles at her, and she pretends she doesn’t see him.
41. Trying out his doorway jumper!  We tried one at Lo’s parent’s house a few months ago, but he was too small and didn’t like it.  He doesn’t jump in it yet, but he likes hanging out and spnning around.
42. Goofing with Daddy.

more play

43. No more laying down for pictures!  I tried to lay him down and he just kept struggling to sit.
44. Cute, but he’s flipping off the camera.
45. Enthralled with Boof, who wanted to make sure we knew she was in the picture so she could have a treat.
46.  And there we go.  35 weeks!!!!

35 weeks

47. – 50. My baby was 8 months old on June 6!  I especially love the cheesy grin he’s giving Loren in the 3rd picture.  I love this kid.  Yes, kid…he’s barely like a baby anymore!  We weighed him at 18 lbs, 12 ounces this week!

8 months

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