Life Lately: In August…

Here are some things about our August…
Life Lately
Outings: We had overnights with both of our families. We also enjoyed the Friday Farmer’s Market in town, Touch-a-Truck, Beatles tribute band (British Invasion), Led Zeppelin tribute band (Get the Led Out) with Lo’s family (minus Lo), Darke County Fair with Nana and Papaw, playdates, and some trips to story times and The Works Museum.
Celebrating: My mom’s birthday; my birthday; potty training!
Highlights: Success at potty training – he’s fully compliant now!!! Alumni Volleyball game at my high school; Marlowe’s 6/7 month photos (sneak peek below); family visits
Lows: Lack of sleep still. Some major neck and shoulder pain and tightness. I got a short massage and it helped, but I think I need a deeper and longer one. A nasty bite or sting on my leg at a concert that turned into the nastiest looking bruise that I’ve probably ever had. I’m still unsure that it was a sting or bite, as I didn’t feel it and there wasn’t any puncture mark, but maybe a spider wouldn’t leave one? This is after 3 days
Watching: We watched “The Night Of” and it was amazing. I’m still really upset about once piece of evidence that was never mentioned and would have been a key part of the investigation and defense. I won’t say what it was, so that it doesn’t ruin it for anyone. It was so obvious (to me) that I kept thinking it would come up in the next episode…no way they could skip it. Though I guess it would have made the show change shape, so perhaps they ignored it on purpose. We’ve also been watching Ballers, Hard Knocks, and old Office episodes once the kids are in bed. And then I watch The O.C. once Lo goes to bed and I’m working on the computer. I always end up watching kind of dumb shows late at night because I don’t really want to be paying attention since I’m on the computer anyway. Obviously the first half of August was dominated by the Olympics. We pretty much only watched that when it was on.
Kid TV: SuperWhy, Bob the Builder, and Dinosaur Train have been Jenson’s new favorites to watch in the morning before Marlowe gets up. I love the opening song for Dinosaur Train.
Listening: NPR is usually what I listen to, but ever since Jenson fell in love with the song “Single Ladies” while riding the train at the mall (to which I swear he’s singing “Single Licks”), and then he heard it in the car, he wants to listen to “our songs” while we are in the car. Unfortunately – that means pop music, which I mostly hate because they play the same 5 songs, plus “Jump Around” on a loop. I just need to add a Beyonce station to my Pandora and then he should be happy with shuffle. Otherwise, we went to an outdoor concert with a Beatles Tribute band, British Invasion, at the Dawes Arboretum with the kids, and I went to see a Led Zeppelin tribute band, Get the Led Out with Lo’s family in Dayton (he had to work). Meem watched the kids, so I got to be with adults and have 2 margaritas! I’m so rarely without kids that it takes me a bit to switch modes still…so I’m a little quiet and awkward sometimes. Its weird when you don’t have to constantly think about and look after your kids.
Eating: We try so hard to not turn on the oven during the hot summer months, so dinner is quite uninspired. I tried a couple of new skillet recipes with smoked sausage that turned out pretty well, but dinner was often just thrown together at the last minute and nothing to be proud of. The highlight was definitely sushi at Tanuki – our favorite place and some of our favorite friends.
Working on: Hanging stuff on the walls; organizing the basement
Workouts: Walking 1-3 times a week with a friend and the kids at Dawes Arboretum; sand volleyball once a week. I really, really need to start working out more. I’m back within normal weight range for me, but with a lot less muscle.
Looking forward to: Avett Brothers Concert with Lo (my birthday present), fall weather, Jenson starting preschool and gymnastics.