liveGfree Southwest Vegetarian Tamale Bites Review

A couple of months ago I bought the liveGfree Southwest Vegetarian Tamale Bites at Aldi’s when they were on special. I didn’t try them until last month when I was looking for a quick lunch to make while Jenson napped. I was at the point in my pregnancy when I wasn’t sick anymore, and when I was hungry, I was HUNGRY.
I don’t buy a lot of convenience food like this – partly because gluten-free options are limited, and partly because packaged food like this is usually overpriced and underwhelming. These were actually really good. The crust was similar to cornbread, and the filling actually had identifiable veggies in it. I believe I ate way more than the suggested serving for lunch and kept going out and grabbing another until they were all gone around dinnertime – therefore they became my dinner as well. They weren’t expensive either, because they were on manager’s special. I’m not sure whether means they were discontinued, or if they were just trying to move that stock at that particular store. I’m able to find a lot of discounted gluten free products in the area in which we live now – it doesn’t seem to be a popular diet around here. It works out great for me, except there aren’t many dining out options that are gluten-free friendly.
I have a couple of other boxes in the freezer, including another variety that has slipped my mind, and would buy them if I saw them again, but wouldn’t make them a staple. They are more of a “I need something to eat and am too lazy to put together a real meal” kind of meal.
I’ve been trying out other products from Aldi’s liveGfree line, and you can see the reviews here:
liveGfree Double Chocolate Brownie Cookies
liveGfree Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Mix
(I’m not affiliated with, or sponsored by Aldi – the reviews are on my own accord and at my own expense)