Outside, Green Juice, and the Zoo

Outside, Green Juice, and the Zoo

Jenson seems to love his new home… Often he’ll ask to go “outside” even before breakfast.  He’ll go to the door and try to open it, saying “outside, outside”.  He’s easy to distract, because he also loves to eat, and is ready for breakfast.  One morning while I was brushing my teeth, he gathered up his shoes, coat, and hat in the kitchen and was asking to go outside.


I made green juice last week from a recipe from a huge bag of greens I bought at Costco.  I don’t have the bag anymore, but it was something like 3 cups of greens, berries, a little apple juice, and some water…I think that’s all.  I gave Jenson a taste and he LOVED it!  I wasn’t sure, because it was u.g.l.y.  But he went for it.  I only gave him a little bit – I didn’t want him to have any digestive issues from it.  He did fine, so I gave him more another day.  So know he asks for “juice” regularly, even though he’s never had regular juice.  Yummy, right?

green juice

Later we met my friend and her kids at the Zoo.  It was a perfect day for it.  On the way there, we talked about the animals he wanted to see.  Top on his list was “puppy”.   We didn’t see a puppy, but he was pretty happy with the ones that we did see.  We didn’t see a ton of animals, but we had a great time.  Jenson just relaxed in his stroller almost the whole time – he was so good.  I’d love to go every week or two with him – its so much better to go during the weekdays than on the weekends!


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