Sunday Social – Holiday Spirit
It’s Sunday Social day where Ashley and Neely post questions each week for people to answer on their blogs and a linkup.
Onto this week’s questions with Holiday Spirit theme. Boof has the holiday spirit. She doesn’t love wearing the hat, but she kinda likes the collar with the jingle bells. My sister Jackie bought these for her.
- What is your favorite Holiday season tradition? Baking cookies. I always say I’m not going to bake many, but then I always do at least a few different kinds. It’s even better if I get the chance to bake cookies at my mom’s with my family. This year we are visiting my family the weekend before Christmas, so I’m sure we’ll be baking then. We are getting our first live Christmas tree this year now that we have our own house, so that’s probably also going to be a favorite. Oh – and the Columbus Zoo Wildlights. It was freezing last year, but still awesome.
- Do you have a certain Holiday movie you watch more than others? If so what is it? Elf. That shit cracks me up. My nephew has been on the Elf diet since late fall; sugar, sugar, maple syrup, cookies…anything sweet. I also love A Christmas Story and It’s a Wonderful Life.
- Show us your favorite decoration or pinterest decoration you wish you could have.
- Favorite Holiday song? I’m not so much into Christmas music…I guess I’d say Mele Kalikimaka because it reminds me of Hawaii last year in the beginning of December. We even bought Hawaiian Christmas cards to send out.
- Favorite Holiday dessert? Cookies: peanut butter kiss cookies, iced sugar cookies, holiday mints
- What is on your wish list this year? Thirty One Skirt Purse in Black, this sentiment from Lenny and Eva (it couldn’t be more “me”) with the wide bark cuff, this Just Be bracelet (which is a personal mantra of mine and probably my next tattoo if I ever get another), Young House Love Book (love these home improvement bloggers). I’m not picky, so I appreciate every gift as long as a tiny bit of thought was put into it (I’ve received gifts where you can tell the giver didn’t care whether you liked it or could use it – they were just gifting because they thought they should).
Leave me one or all of your answers in the comments (or a link to your post if you participated!).