Sunday Social: Home and away

I’m linking up for Sunday Social with Ashley and Neely.  This week’s theme is about being home and away (in a random way).

1. Favorite breakfast food?  I don’t even know…maybe Belgium waffles?  They’re pretty hard to find gluten-free though.  I love this one breakfast skillet at Scrambler Marie’s that is shredded hash browns, eggs, cheese, and meat.

2. Best way to spend a free day?  Just lounging around the house with our little family.

3. Airline ticket to anywhere in the world….where would you go and why?  Oh geez…picking one is hard.  I’m tempted to say Hawaii or Ireland because those are places I want to return to, but there are so many other amazing places to go that I’ve never been!  Maybe New Zealand or Australia because that would be so expensive.  I’d also like to go to Sweden, Switzerland, and Germany.  I told you I couldn’t pick one.

4. You can only leave the house with one thing…what is it?  My phone.  It has a little of everything on it…my contacts, photos, the internet, directions, and other bits of info that I would need if I didn’t have anything else.  Incidentally, it’s not terrible unusual for me to leave it at home.

5. How do you take your coffee?  I take it black 99% of the time.  I’ll add a splash of creamer if someone has a fun flavor or if I need to cool it down.

Sunday Social

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