Menu Monday: Taco Mania!

It’s Menu Monday again.  I’m terrible at menu planning because I have no idea what our evenings will bring, so it’s easy to post our meals after the fact.

I didn’t get this posted on time because I had my “main” baby shower on Sunday and we were EXHAUSTED afterwards.  It was such a fantastic shower and we got to “reveal” that we are having a BOY, but it’s so hard to be “on” and social for that whole time, lol!  It was all good friends and relatives, but there’s something about having 35 people stare at you for two hours that is tiring.  We are so grateful that so many people wanted to celebrate with us – and were SO generous with their gifts.  Our son is going to be one lucky kid.  Even if he doesn’t like us so much, he’ll like the people in our lives!

This week can definitely be described as Taco Mania week because they were the main feature for most of the week.  I’m not mad though – they’re healthy enough and I love Mexican.

Lunch: Crabcake on spinach salad
Dinner: Beef and bean tacos at homemenu monday

Lunch:  Crabcake on spinach salad
Dinner: Beef and bean tacos

Lunch:  Crabcake on spinach salad (I think)
Dinner:  Beef and bean quesadillas (switched it up!)

Lunch:  The other half of my beef and bean quesadilla and spinach salad
Dinner:  Tacos and chips at Yabo’s Tacos with friends

Lunch:  Fruit and brussel sprouts.  Seriously.  We didn’t really have other easy food to take for lunch that I felt like putting together.
Dinner: Jason’s Deli Santa Fe Chicken sandwich and chips.  We had a lot to do that night before family came in town the next morning, so take out was the way to go.

Lunch:  Veggies, fruit, a little chicken salad, some cheese…family came in and we threw together lunch with stuff I had and stuff they picked up at Trader Joes.
Dinner:  Yabo’s Tacos again…but I got the bean, rice, and chicken bowl this time and loved it.

Lunch:  My shower!  So much good food!  Pulled pork, chicken salad, cheesy potatoes, broccoli salad, veggies, fruit, cheese, corn dip, and lot of other little snacks.  I didn’t eat much there because I was going to start opening gifts while people were eating, but everything was so good.
Dinner: Shower leftovers – pulled pork and cheesy potatoes.  I was SO grateful to not have to cook that night.

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