My biggest nursing supporter

My biggest nursing supporter

You might think that my biggest nursing supporter is Lo, or even my lactation consultant.  But no…it’s Jenson.  Although sometimes he gets mad when I have to feed Marlowe and he wants to sit on my lap and read, he’s more than happy to demonstrate 

Marlowe update: One month old

Marlowe update: One month old

Marlowe had a pretty busy first month of life, including lots of visitors, appointments, smiles, and sleeping.

Highs and Lows: February Friday

Highs and Lows: February Friday

Friday was full of highs and lows for me and the kiddos, but even with the lows (and all of the spit up/vomit), it was a good day.

Getting back on the (yoga) horse

Getting back on the (yoga) horse

It’s time.  I had my 6 week checkup…had to step on a scale, lol.  I gained over 10 more with this pregnancy than I did with Jenson.  I’m finding that, like many women say, it doesn’t fall off as fast with subsequent pregnancies as it 

Marlowe’s Birth Story

Marlowe’s Birth Story

Marlowe is a month and a half old now, and I wanted to make sure I got the story of her birth written, unlike I did with Jenson.  It’s written in his baby book, but I never posted about it like I claimed I would.  

Day in the Life: Home Alone with 2

Day in the Life: Home Alone with 2

Tuesday was the first day I was home alone with the kids for the day.  I talked a little about it (and how nervous I was) in this “Surviving” post.  I thought it would be fun to do a “Day in the Life” to document 

Christmas Day 2015

Christmas Day 2015

We stayed at home on Christmas Day since we wanted to remain close to Columbus in case the baby came early (spoiler alert….she didn’t).  It was a really nice and relaxing day with just our little family.  We started the day when Jenson woke up 

A beautiful Christmas Eve

A beautiful Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was an absolutely beautiful day.  It was about 65 degrees outside and sunny, so we took full advantage and played outside for over an hour before lunch. Maternity shadow picture…not very flattering with my baggy sweats, but that’s life. It was warm enough 

Early Christmas Celebration

Early Christmas Celebration

Since we weren’t sure when the baby would come, we planned an early Christmas with Loren’s family for the weekend before Christmas.  My doctor seemed sure the baby would come early, so we wanted to be at home for the week or so before my 

Facing Fears: Bumblebee and Bouncy House

Facing Fears: Bumblebee and Bouncy House

The weekend before Christmas, we were invited to a birthday party for Jenson’s friend Jaxon.  Jaxon is 2 years older than Jenson, and Jenson loves being around him and his bestie Emmy.  It was a small party with a big surprise for the birthday boy